Vray 3.6 rhino
Vray 3.6 rhino

vray 3.6 rhino vray 3.6 rhino

Spotlight Cone and Penumbra Angles are now specified in degrees instead of radians.Recording Sun Study animations no longer triggers a viewport animation preview.Recording animations with V-Ray now utilizes the Rhino progress bar.Rendering animations without an output image file path specified is now possible.Materials from the Library can now be applied directly to the selected scene objects by Right-click / Apply to Selection.The Copy and Paste actions have been removed due to their potential to cause discrepancies and are no longer needed thanks to the replacement functionality A second material can then be replaced with the first one automatically changing the scene shader assigned.

vray 3.6 rhino

A material can be selected and used as a replacement. Implemented Replace Material functionality in the Asset Editor’s material list.It speeds up or slows down the movement of the wave The Water texture can now be used as bump or displacement map for animated waves with the help of the new Movement Rate parameter.Utilizing it can significantly speed up the process of rendering camera fly-through setups It enables a single step workflow for saving a global illumination cache for the entire camera path. The option becomes visible once Animation is enabled. Implemented Use Camera path option (for the Irradiance Map and Light Cache engines).Changing Bucket Production Rendering to Interactive and back no longer requires additional steps Enabling Interactive rendering mode no longer switches the progressive image sampling toggle.The new mask channel is supported by the GPU (Hybrid) engine Each element can store three (R, G, B) masks. The number of unique IDs assigned determines the number of Multi Matte elements that will be created at render time (one element for every set of three IDs). It works together with the V-Ray Object ID assignments in the scene. Implemented Multi Matte render element.This way the focus can dynamically change between scenes during batch rendering The focus distance can now be determined based on the distance between the scene camera position and target or between the camera position and a fixed point in 3D space. Implemented two new modes for calculating the camera focus point.The Offset, Playback Type, Speed, Start and Length options can now be manipulated when necessary VRScene animation playback can now be controlled.The orientation of the dome will change accordingly Dome Light rotation can now be controlled by moving the light gyzmo control vertices/points.Right-click menu has been implemented for sub-materials (child materials) in a shading network - Cut, Copy or Paste as Instance any child material to another material input slot.Rhino-style color picker is now used when changing light color from the Light Properties panel or the Rhino Lights list.The Rhino UV Editor geometry is no longer visible in the rendered image.This way adding a Clipping Plane to the scene will cut the geometry in the viewport giving you the same result when rendered Rhino Clipping Planes are now automatically converted to V-Ray Clippers on creation.V-Ray Clipper Plane size can now be controlled on creation.Stereo images can now be rendered by the GPU(Hybrid) engine in both production and interactive modes.Stereo camera mode is now supported in Interactive Rendering mode.

Vray 3.6 rhino